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Introduction to Javascript - Static vs Dynamic website - Importance of javascript

Static Website:

             A static website means , the website may only contain a simple content. It may not react on user's action  like to click on button may open a new tab. we have noticed in our previous session of  HTML course that HTML can only develop a static website  .It can not perform any task according to the user's input.

Dynamic Website (Javascript is a programming language):

What dynamic websites can do using javascript:

  1. It takes actions in a sequence.
  2. It performs actions repeatedly.
  3. It can make decisions according to the input data.
So these are the basic abilities of a user responsive website, that we are going to learn in this session of javascript.

HTML is not a programming language:

One thing to keep in mind that HTML is not a programming language but it is a markup language, because a programming language is able to perform the above tasks. Whereas Html is just used to create a static website or to make a dummy of dynamic website.

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